Programme au choix :
00 - Genéral
01 - General - Airframe
02 - General - Propulsion
03- General - Auxiliary Power Unit
04 - General - Engine Driven
05 - General - APU Driven
06 - General - Propellers/Rotors
07 - General - Fuel and Control
08 - General - Powerplant
10 - Airframe System
11 - Placards and Marking
12- Lights
20 - Standard Practices - Airframe
21 - Air conditioning
22 - Auto flight
23 - Communications
24 - Electrical Power
25 - Equipment/Furnishing
26 - Fire protection
27 - Flight controls
28 - Fuel
29 - Hydraulic power
30 - Ice and rain protection
31 - Indicating/Recording systems
32 - Landing gear
33 - Lights
34 - Navigations
35 - Oxygen
36 - Pneumatic
37 - Vacuum
38 - Water/waste
40 - Standard practices - propulsion
41 - Power plant
42 - Integrated drive generator
43 - Exhaust
44 - Oil
45 - Ignition
46 - Air
49 - Auxiliary power unit
50 - Standard practices - APU
51 - Standard practices - Engine driven
52 - Standard practices - APU driven
53 - Turbine engines
54 - Power augmentation
55 - Starting
60 - Standard practices - Propellers/rotors
61 - Propellers/rotors
70 - Standard pratices - Fuel and control
71 - Powerplant/fuel
72 - Engine
73 - Engine fuel and control
74 - Engine control
75 - Bleed air
76 - Engine controls
77 - Engine indicating
78 - Exhaust
79 - Oil
80 - Standard practices - Engine driven
81 - Standard practices - Engine control
82 - Standard practices - Engine indicating
83 - Standard practices - Exhaust
84 - Standard practices - Oil